Air Conveyance Treatment Services
is your source for professional HVAC and duct system cleaning.

mold in mechanical roomACTS specializes in HVAC mold (or microbial) decontamination of commercial buildings, homes, schools and hospitals.  Mold and bacteria can form on almost any organic material, given the right temperature, lack of air flow, high humidity and absence of light.  You can find many of the 100,000 different species of molds and fungi present almost anywhere, but when you find them in excess quantities indoors—especially more toxic varieties – you need to find specialists to remove the mold in hvac systems properly.

Do you have mold?  You may if you have had water intrusion into the building.  Mold can form under the right conditions within 24 to 48 hours, and it will thrive in moist areas, often as the result of pipe leaks, building defects, flooding or condensation.  A leaky roof, windows, poor caulking around shower/tub enclosures, can all contribute to mold growth.  Mold is opportunistic and can even invade a structure during the construction process. 

Prolonged moisture conditions allow mold and bacteria to reproduce in the dark recesses of mechanical systems.  Visible mold growth inside ducts or the rest of your HVAC components can be easily missed, but ACTS technicians, using specialized boreoscopic, fiber-optic and robotic equipment with video can discover the issue and document it.  

Building occupants as well as owners are more aware than ever of the health issues caused by mold contamination, and they know improper removal can actually cause more problems.  Documented health issues relating to exposure to specific types of toxic mold or bacteria include everything from slight allergic responses, headaches and rashes, to respiratory illness.  

Our expertise in HVAC system mechanical hygiene, coupled with specialized mold remediation certification, uniquely prepares us to tackle mold in air vents and ductwork big and small.  Whether it is simply cleaning and sanitizing the HVAC system or providing full containment with negative air and removal of contaminated insulation then cleaning and sanitizing the entire system and indoor area, ACTS staff and technicians are up to the task.  

We can provide you with a full-service mold remediation solution that includes the building and contents as well as the HVAC system. As a division of CATCO, Catastrophe Cleaning & Restoration Company, ACTS has the extended capability and specialization to assist you with any excessive microbial presence throughout your building.